Thursday, 17 March 2011

Some tips 4 Fair complexion.

1. Apply a paste of fresh ground mint leaves and leave it for about 20 minutes.
Wash with cold water, continue for 15 days.
2. Apply a mixture of grated tomato with 2-3 drops of lime juice on the face.
Leave it for 20 minutes before washing off.
Do this twice a day for 15-20 days for best results.
3. Soak 4 almonds overnight. Grind into a fine paste using milk.
Apply on face and neck and leave it overnight.
Wash with cold water in the morning.
Do this daily for 15 days, followed by twice a week.
4. A tbsp of gram flour mixed with 2 tsp of raw milk and 2-3 drops of lime juice
works well for lightening dark skin.

Apply this mixture and leave it for 15 minutes before washing off.
Repeat for 4 weeks and follow up with once a week

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Important Tips for having beautiful Eyes.

Eyes are the most beautiful and delicate organs of our body. It is important to take care of your eyes. Here are few tips to take care of eyes.
Eyes are the one of the most precious blessings given by God to us. We see all the beauty of this world with these two beautiful organs on our face. Besides being extremely useful, they also add to the beauty of our face. Eyes speak louder than words; they reflect all of our emotions. With all said, it is very important to take care of this delicate organ to keep it healthy and beautiful. Here are few important tips to keep your eyes healthy and beautiful.
Important Tips for having beautiful Eyes:
The first thing towards the health of eyes is to have proper eye hygiene. To preserve the natural beauty of your eyes, you need to include eye care in your regular body care routine. To keep your eyes refreshed and glowing even after watching TV for long or working in front of computer, just follow following easy tips. It takes just few minutes daily. Taking a proper diet is one of the important tips. You need to include all the essential nutrients such as Vitamin A, C, E, beta-carotene, zinc in your meals. You need to eat things like spinach, melons, eggs, carrots, papaya and mango. Taking proper sleep is another thing you need to take care off. It increases the efficiency and appearance of eyes. Proper sleep helps to reduce the problem of dark circles and tiredness. Taking proper rest is very crucial. You should sleep at least 7-8 hours daily in a dark room to give proper rest to the eyes. Drinking plenty of water helps detoxify the body and reduce or avoid the puffiness in the eyes. Exercise daily for eyes. It increases the blood circulation and oxygen intake. In case, you feel itching, do not rub your eyes, just blink them. You can get scratches in eyes and your can hurt them by rubbing them. Blinking is a very good exercise for the eyes.
While cleansing the eyes, avoid using the chemical cleanser s rather use cleansers like milk which is natural. To cleanse the eyes with milk, dip a cotton ball in milk.To make the eyelashes thick and dense, you can apply a mixture glycerin and olive oil daily. Whenever, you go out in sun, wear sunglasses to avoid excessive exposure to sunrays. These are just simple procedures to keep your eyes healthy and youthful for longer.  

Health Fitness.

The importance ‘Health Fitness’ is too great. In olden times men had to work hard physically to gain their food and other living means. This had provided them enough physical exercises unknowingly. Thus, during that period the health condition of all people were in good condition. This is the reason as to why the men who lived in olden days had no illness or physical uneasiness. But nowadays the life of men is very easy on account of the development of science and related technologies. If they have money they need not even travel for collecting their food. The currently prevailing conveniences enable men to gain everything by just making a phone call. This lazy life kept men away from the physical exercises required for their health fitness. In addition to this people prefer to eat spicy fast food items which are considered as the examples of malnutrition. From the above mentioned facts we can understand the importance of health fitness as far as men’s wellbeing is concerned.
It is high time to think about the measures by which men can maintain their health in good condition. On account of these unrestricted life all people who are above forty are suffering from various health problems. Hyper Tension and high glucose content in blood are the main illness conquering men because of their unhealthy life. If they concentrate on daily exercises they can make their health in good condition. They need not spend majority of their time for performing these exercises. They can utilize one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening for health fitness activities. In between these two hours they can concentrate on their normal works or business. All people have been becoming fully aware abut the importance of health fitness nowadays. Hence we can expect a generation of healthy people in the near future.

Healthy and nutritious foods are considered as the general medicines of human beings. If people can rely on nutritious healthy food always, then they need not fear about any unhealthy conditions in their life. Unhealthy food deposits impurities in our blood whereas nutritious and healthy food clears blood to a greater extend. An individual’s health foundation starts from his embryonic stage. That is why women are advised to take high grade nutritious food during their pregnancy stages. In addition to healthy food pregnant women should take milk and fruits daily. Milk and fruits are capable to provide essential vitamins and minerals to pregnant women. As far as these pregnant women are concerned folic acid is very important. Folic acid is one among the important vitamins and is an inevitable factor for the development of embryonic nervous system. Since brain is the first part which usually develops in a fetus the presence of folic acid in the blood of pregnant lady ensures well developed brain and nervous system to the respective embryo. Hence, the presence of folic acid in the diet of pregnant women can avoid the birth of mentally retarded children to a greater extend.
Human body needs healthy food for the proper functioning of hormonal and metabolic activities taking place. The scarcity of essential boosters to the above mentioned body functions, makes hormone deficiencies and poor metabolic growth in the body. On account of hormone deficiency and poor metabolism men usually suffer hair falling and infertility. People suffering from hair falling are advised to take egg, milk and fruits to makeup the hormone deficiency. Similarly dry fruits like Dates and Badam are advised for people suffering from infertility in addition to milk and egg. Hence to make people free from various health problems they are advised to take milk and egg in addition regular nutritious food.

Healthy HAIR TIPS.

Keeping hair in excellent condition at extreme lengths takes more caution and conscious effort than may be necessary if you intend to keep your hair shorter... at mid-back length, for example. If your goal is to encourage healthy hair growth but not to the extreme, then certain modifications may be made to a few of the steps below and still maintain successful results. If you use common sense and don't allow damage to occur, you know you're doing the right thing to promote healthy hair at any length.
Remember, long damaged hair is never as pretty as shorter healthy hair, and because healthy hair needs to be trimmed less often and doesn't break as easily, the result is much faster growth overall. I learned this step the hard way and wasted ten years trying to grow damaged hair I refused to cut... hair that started literally growing like a weed when I finally gave in, did the dirty deed and stopped doing all the horrible nasties that initially resulted in the damage. Duh. Learn from my pain.
If your hair is not very damaged too far up the length of the hair shaft, you may start with a very healthy trim and then continue to trim monthly to maintain your length until all the damage is gone; however, keep in mind that if the amount of damage does not continue to decrease using this method, you didn't remove enough of the damaged hair to begin with and another healthy trim is in order. You'll save precious time by removing as much damage as possible from the very beginning and immediately implementing the steps that follow to your now beautifully healthy hair!
Because there is absolutely no way to repair damaged hair, you must start out with healthy hair to have healthy hair when it's long, there's no way around it. Bite the bullet and remove every inch of hair that is considerably damaged, reminding yourself that it's the most important step to take towards your goal and that this is the last time you will ever have to do it. If you are going for extreme length, from this point on you will have to treat your hair at all times like delicate, antique lace. Once your hair is at your waist the ends can be as many as six years old, and your hair will go through a lot of trauma in those six years no matter how careful you are with it. Because damaged hair will only get worse as time passes, it is especially important your hair be in excellent condition from the very beginning.If you don't have someone you trust implicitly to trim your hair for you, find a salon that caters to long hair, has a long hair specialist, or at least be sure to glare at your stylist as menacingly as you can while you clearly explain your hair-growth goals before letting her come at you with scissors. It also helps to ask the stylist to show you exactly their perception of the amount of hair you want trimmed by showing you what they think is the same distance from the end of their comb. I am convinced stylists are taught a completely different measuring system from the rest of the world, and not once have I ever had a stylist show me an accurate half inch on her first try. Not once. It also helps to remember, it is not in the best interest of most salons or stylists if you rarely make visits to their salon, which is definitely a conflict of interest! If your hair is short and styled, you are always there spending money for maintenance. If your stylist tries to convince you that your long, healthy hair should be cut, run screaming from the salon immediately!n the end, it is up to you to make sure that anyone whose advice you consider, be it a stylist, friend or family member, has only the best interest of YOUR acknowledged hair growth goals in mind. Otherwise smile politely and ignore every word they say. You absolutely are not too old, too thin, too short, too gray, too anything to have long hair.
Because damaged hair will only get worse as time passes, it is especially important your hair be in excellent condition from the very beginning.If you don't have someone you trust implicitly to trim your hair for you, find a salon that caters to long hair, has a long hair specialist, or at least be sure to glare at your stylist as menacingly as you can while you clearly explain your hair-growth goals before letting her come at you with scissors. It also helps to ask the stylist to show you exactly their perception of the amount of hair you want trimmed by showing you what they think is the same distance from the end of their comb. I am convinced stylists are taught a completely different measuring system from the rest of the world, and not once have I ever had a stylist show me an accurate half inch on her first try. Not once. It also helps to remember, it is not in the best interest of most salons or stylists if you rarely make visits to their salon, which is definitely a conflict of interest! If your hair is short and styled, you are always there spending money for maintenance. If your stylist tries to convince you that your long, healthy hair should be cut, run screaming from the salon immediately!n the end, it is up to you to make sure that anyone whose advice you consider, be it a stylist, friend or family member, has only the best interest of YOUR acknowledged hair growth goals in mind. Otherwise smile politely and ignore every word they say. You absolutely are not too old, too thin, too short, too gray, too anything to have long hair.
If your hair is not very damaged too far up the length of the hair shaft, you may start with a very healthy trim and then continue to trim monthly to maintain your length until all the damage is gone; however, keep in mind that if the amount of damage does not continue to decrease using this method, you didn't remove enough of the damaged hair to begin with and another healthy trim is in order. You'll save precious time by removing as much damage as possible from the very beginning and immediately implementing the steps that follow to your now beautifully healthy hair!
Keeping hair in excellent condition at extreme lengths takes more caution and conscious effort than may be necessary if you intend to keep your hair shorter... at mid-back length, for example. If your goal is to encourage healthy hair growth but not to the extreme, then certain modifications may be made to a few of the steps below and still maintain successful results. If you use common sense and don't allow damage to occur, you know you're doing the right thing to promote healthy hair at any length.
It is also important to keep in mind that just about everyone has a "terminal length" which is the longest your hair will grow based on the active growth period of your hair follicles (the growth cycle of individual hair follicles turns on and off as determined by your genetics). Nothing here can help you alter your genetically predetermined terminal length. That being said, you'd be surprised how incredibly often what was thought to be terminal length turns out to be nothing more than hair too damaged to continue to grow... an easily resolved issue!

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

10 Steps to a Perfectly Clean Face.

Did you know that you have a great deal of control over the texture, clarity, suppleness and long-term health of facial skin just based on how and how often you cleanse? Whether you’re young or old, man or woman, you can do your skin a big favor by cleansing correctly.
Cleansing is arguably the most important part of your basic skincare routine. Proper cleansing gets rid of old surface skin cells, dirt and dust, grime, make-up and bacteria, and keeps skin pores free of clogs and able to breathe freely.
Cleansing also aids circulation and prepares the skin to receive topically applied nutrients and lipids.
Here are some tips for proper facial cleansing from the 5,000-year-old healing tradition of Ayurveda:
1. Cleanse twice a day, no more. Unless you have exposed your skin to excessive dust, grime or pollution, twice-a-day cleansing is more than adequate for any skin type. Cleansing too often strips your skin of precious natural oils. Not cleansing regularly, particularly before you retire for the night, may lead to build-up and eruptions.
2. Choose a cleanser that is appropriate for your skin type. Do not use soap on facial skin: it can be too harsh and drying and damage skin over time. A too-rich cleanser can clog pores, while a too-dry cleanser can irritate the skin. A cleanser for dry skin should contain nourishing herbs and oils. One for oily skin should include herbs that balance oil production and support clarity. Sensitive skin benefits from an ultra-gentle, fragrance-free, non-irritating cleanser.
Traditional ayurvedic cleansers are made fresh with natural ingredients such as ground oats, lentils or chickpeas, complexion enhancing or clarifying herbs such as turmeric, Amalaki, Neem and sandalwood, emollients such as milk, cream yogurt or honey, and floral or citrus waters for pure healing fragrance. You can make your own by mixing the dry ingredients to last a week or two and blending the mix with milk or cream right before use. Otherwise, look for a natural cleanser that’s gentle and fortified with skin-friendly herbs.
3. Always cleanse with tepid water. Hot water dries and damages skin over time, and cold water won’t dissolve and take away embedded dirt and grime as well as lukewarm water.
4. If you use sponges or washcloths, make sure they are clean and soft. They are not necessary for effective cleansing: your fingertips can do just as good a job.
5. Wash your hands thoroughly before you cleanse your face, or you will be working dirt into facial skin. Use a headband to secure hair away from the face.
6. Start by splashing tepid water on your face and neck.
7. Apply the cleanser with your fingertips or a soft sponge, using gentle circular massaging strokes and moving upward on the face and neck. Do not scrub too much…gentle massaging strokes are enough to help improve circulation as well as loosen grime and old surface skin cells. Too much scrubbing will stretch skin and irritate it, especially the delicate skin around the eyes.
8. Rinse with lots of tepid water. Don’t forget to rinse off cleanser from the neck and hairline. Cleanser residue can clog pores and attract dirt.
9. Gently blot off excess water with a soft towel. Do not scrub dry or drag towel along skin.
10. Follow immediately with a water-based toner and a moisturizer appropriate for your skin type to seal in surface moisture and offer nourishment when skin is receptive.

Five Tips For Controlling Panic Attacks.

Everyone feels stressed and anxious sometimes but for folks that have panic attacks the problem can be much more major. People who constantly suffer with panic attacks can actually have physical symptoms such as woozy spells, trembling, difficulty breathing, abdominal discomfort etc . Some of us have even gone to the trauma room believing they were having a heart attack. The physical symptoms of anxiety might not be life-threatening but they can be crippling, keeping people from being productive at work, driving an automobile, or interacting with people. This article is going to give you 5 tips for controlling panic attacks.

1. Learn the triggers :

Everyone is different and what triggers a panic attack for one person may not trigger an attack for somebody else. If you can learn how to identify the situations that trigger your panic attacks that will help you make preparations for them and deal with them.

2. Avoid caffeine :

Coffee, soda, diet pills, and other products may contain caffeine. Caffeine excites the central nervous system that may aggravate or possibly even trigger a panic attack.

3. Learn relaxation techniques :

Relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, or respiring exercises will help you to stay calm and focused. In a panic attack you are overreacting to whatever your trigger is and learning to chill and remain targeted can help to put a stop to the overreaction.

4. Get masses of sleep :

When you aren’t getting enough sleep you may feel added stress which could make you more at the mercy of a panic attack. Getting lots of sleep will help to lessen stress and reduce the possibilities for causing a panic attack.

5. Exercise regularly :

Exercise releases endorphins into the blood vessels. Endorphins are hormones that give you a natural feeling of euphoria. Routine exercise will also enhance your energy level, improve your self-esteem, and help you to relax all of which will help to reduce the chances of having a panic attack.

controlling panic attacks- Do you want to Stop Panic Attacks Naturally?

Control The Glucose Llevels Without Medication.

  • People may tell that it is very difficult to control the Glucose levels without Medication.

. But it is possible with dietary restrictions and lifestyle changes.

The following are the some of the important tips to control the blood sugar levels.


Diet is the first thing comes to mind when we talking about reduce the blood sugar levels. Take less carbohydrate and foods must have low glycemic index with moderate levels of protein and fiber. And take very a small amount of food, avoid bulky eating of meals.

Drinking Water

Drinking water can also helps in reducing the diabetes sugar levels. Diabetics are advised to drink plenty of water daily. And it doesn't mean drinking any other fluids like soft drinks, coffee, and tea. Just take plenty of water everyday.

Eating fruits

Eating fruits should be preferred rather taking other bulky meals, taking fruits which has citric acids helps to reduce the weight so that the blood glucose levels are in control. Rose apple, Apple, Grapefruit, Orange and all citrus fruits are really helpful to reduce the blood sugar levels.


Exercises are really important in order to control the diabetes glucose levels. Playing games like badminton can do the magic of reducing the blood sugar in quite a small period of time. Asanas also helps to reduce the blood sugar, walking and light jogging helps a lot for circulation, this controls the blood sugar and maintain in a steady state.

Herbal tea

Instead of taking ordinary tea or coffee herbal tea helps the diabetics to lower blood sugar levels. A natural herbal tea acts like a blood sugar blocker, it usually known as Green tea. It will manage and keeps the blood sugar and control them in consistent levels when we take food are snacks which has the lot of Glucose in it. Don't take this as advantage and take too much of Glucose contained food. This green tea should be taken many times a day, and 3-4 times are advisable.

Avoid processed foods

Avoiding all kind of processed and tinned foods helps control the blood sugar levels. And avoiding foods which gives lot of weight also helps to control blood sugar levels. And artificial sweeteners which usually used in fruit juices must be avoided. Always take fresh and cooked foods that also with lower glycemic index.

These are all the tips that help to control the blood sugar levels in a normal amount without any medicines.

Control Blood Pressure.

Say No to Smoking, Excessive Drinking
Another way to improve your overall cardiovascular health is to quit smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol.
While drinking in moderation doesn't seem to have much of an impact on your heart, having more than three drinks a day may contribute to high blood pressure. Alcohol has been shown to raise blood pressure by interfering with the flow of blood to and from the heart. When alcohol courses through your bloodstream, it pushes blood rich in nutrients away from your heart.
Studies have shown that it is much more difficult to control blood pressure if you drink heavily. Conversely, a reduction in alcohol consumption can help lower blood pressure.
Smoking also takes a heavy toll on the heart. According to the American Lung Association, over 400,000 Americans die of smoking-related illnesses each year. This figure includes those affected by secondhand smoke and babies born prematurely due to prenatal, maternal smoking.
Nicotine, one of thousands of chemicals found in cigarettes, causes the blood vessels to constrict. This narrowing of the vessels increases blood pressure.
Nicotine is an extremely addictive chemical. Studies show that nicotine activates the circuits in the brain that regulate pleasurable feelings. It does this by increasing the levels of a chemical found in our brains called dopamine. The U.S. Surgeon General warns that nicotine addiction is similar to heroine and morphine addiction. In fact, when smokers inhale, the nicotine reaches the brain faster than drugs that enter the body intravenously.

Stress and Anger Management.

Control your Anger .

Anger is a completely normal emotion that everyone feels at some point, but when anger starts controlling your life, you may need stress and anger management help. When you can't control your anger, you are at its mercy. It is controlling you, and that can lead to problems at work and home, in every aspect of your life.

When you get angry, your body experiences several physiological changes. You experience increases in your heart rate, blood pressure, and adrenaline. This is true whether your anger comes from an external or internal source. These changes cause us to express anger in the way we are programmed to: with aggression. The problem comes when you find yourself striking out, or wanting to, at every little thing that causes you anger. This is where stress and anger management need to come in. To have a better quality of life, you must learn to deal with and control your anger so that it doesn't control you.

There are several ways you can learn to control your anger. Relaxation is one of the best stress and anger management techniques. You can learn to relax through meditation, guided imagery, deep breathing, and hypnosis. When employing any of these techniques, you will be able to relax and calm down whenever you feel your temper getting the best of you.

Mental Health TIPS.

10 Tips for Mental Health

1. Build Confidence
Identify your abilities and weaknesses together, accept them build on them and do the best with what you have.
2. Eat right, Keep fit
A balanced diet, exercise and rest can help you to reduce stress and enjoy life.
3. Make Time for Family and Friends
These relationships need to be nurtured; if taken for granted they will not be there to share life's joys and sorrows.
4. Give and Accept Support
Friends and family relationships thrive when they are "put to the test".
5. Create a Meaningful Budget
Financial problems cause stress. Over-spending on our "wants" instead of our "needs" is often the culprit.
6. Volunteer
Being involved in community gives a sense of purpose and satisfaction that paid work cannot.
7. Manage Stress
We all have stressors in our lives but learning how to deal with them when they threaten to overwhelm us will maintain our mental health.
8. Find Strength in Numbers
Sharing a problem with others who have had similar experiences may help you find a solution and will make you feel less isolated.
9. Identify and Deal with Moods
We all need to find safe and constructive ways to express our feelings of anger, sadness, joy and fear.
10. Learn to Be at Peace with Yourself
Get to know who you are, what makes you really happy, and learn to balance what you can and cannot change about yourself.

Healthy Hair Tips.

If your hair looks dull or is hard to style, the problem could be your tap water. According to Minneapolis-based Gordon Nelson, international creative director for Regis Salons, well water contains natural minerals (called "hard water") that can leave hair lusterless and hard to manage and can impart a brassy, orange hue. Soft water, on the other hand, has fewer damaging minerals. (Ask your local water department if your water is soft or hard, or try using Robert Craig's No More Bad Hair Days Kit, $20;; with strips to test your water.) To rid hair of mineral buildup, suds up every week with a clarifying shampoo. We like Frederic Fekkai Apple Cider Clarifying Shampoo and Clean Conditioner ($18.50 each;

4 Mist your ends with water before home coloring. The ends of your hair are more porous and, as a result, absorb more pigment. "Wet hair doesn't absorb color as readily as dry hair," explains Renee Patronik, a consulting colorist for L'Oreal in New York.

5 Trim your troubles. As the ends of your hair get older and damaged by rough handling, they become prone to splitting, Nelson says. Get regular trims, at least 1/2 inch every four to eight weeks. "Hair grows (on average) half an inch per month, so trim to maintain healthy ends," says stylist Stephen Knoll of the Stephen Knoll Salon in New York.

6 Use color-protective products. Chemical treatments like color can damage hair because the chemicals have to penetrate the outer layer of the hair (or cuticle) to allow the hue to be absorbed, explains stylist Rodolfo Valentin of Rodolfo Valentin Atelier for Hair in New York. Color-protective products are specially designed to minimize dryness, keep color true and prevent damage. "They typically have more nourishing ingredients, strip less color and are less abusive," Knoll explains. We love L'Oreal VIVE Color Care Shampoo and Conditioner ($3.69 each; at drugstores) and Matrix Biolage Color Care Shampoo ($10) and Conditioner ($11; for salon locations).

7 Give wet hair extra TLC. It stretches and snaps more easily than dry hair does, so be extra-gentle with it. "Use a wide-tooth plastic comb while hair is wet; then, once it's towel-dried, switch to a good brush," says Jon Patrick, color director of the Mete Turkmen Hair Salon Plus in New York. And avoid wooden combs; wood can have microscopic divots that snag hairs. Instead try the Jilbere de Paris plastic shower comb ($1.49; sally for store locations).

8 Deep condition once every two weeks. "These treatments penetrate the hair shaft and strengthen strands," says Patrick, who adds that using heat (from a blow-dryer) can intensify deep conditioning, as the heat causes the cuticle to open and the ingredients to penetrate.

For nourishing results, try Kerastase Masquintense ($36; 877-748-8357 for salons), available for fine or thick hair; Neutrogena Triple Moisture Sheer Hydration Leave-In Foam ($7; at drugstores); or Ellin Lavar Textures ReconstructMasque ($25;

9 Try an ionic dryer. Ions are atoms with a positive or negative charge. These particular hair-dryers bathe your hair in negative ions, which help break up water molecules faster and cancel out hair-damaging positive ions, Valentin explains. Plus, your hair-drying time is cut in half. We love the Bio Ionic Super-Hydrator Pro Dryer ($165; for salon locations).